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Mentoring and Coaching

I have worked as both an internal and external mentor to business leaders, new starters and young entrepreneurs. My mentoring is aimed at skills transfer and providing a level of psycho-social support to my clients - someone to confide in, someone to lean on, someone who will listen and offer guidance and advice. 


Using as a framework the range of topics and subject matter included in our English language sessions, we explore challenges and opportunities around immediate situational issues, skills development, career progression, work and personal goals, values and purpose and leadership versus management. We also frequently intersperse our sessions with immediate needs such as preparing for a meeting or presentation, drafting a key document, strategizing a pitch or sales event or holding a difficult conversation with a colleague. The combination of discussing relevant (and sometimes controversial) subjects, practicing English and focusing on hard skills development within the ‘safe space’ of an online 1-2-1 session has proved to be both effective and popular. 


Where appropriate I connect mentoring with coaching. I am trained on the GROW model and other performance-based techniques. I work collaboratively with my clients to agree simple objectives, identify thinking and behaviours that may be getting in the way of achievement and build on strengths. For 1-2-1 coaching I take a non-directive, person-centric approach that encourages reflection and which is all about increasing self-awareness and prompting action.


I also provide consulting and advice for organisations wanting to set up formal, internal mentoring programmes including both hierarchical and peer-mentoring models.

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